För ett år sedan upptäckte jag den mycket trevliga och funktionella sidan Completionator. Det är en härligt överskådlig sida där du kan hålla koll på din spelsamling och ditt spelande. Det finns en flik för de spel du spelar just nu, de spel du klarat, de spel som du tänker spela härnäst, samt en önskelista över de spel du planerar att köpa. Det finns också en avdelning där du kan skriva en liten kommentar om de spel de spelar för tillfället. Dagen jag halkade in på sidan hittade jag en användare som varenda dag, om varenda spel hen spelade, skrev en utförlig kommentar om vad som hade hänt i spelet eller någon tanke som spelat hade väckt. Jag blev fascinerad av denna mikrospeldagbok och jag beslutade mig för att om hen kunde göra detta så kunde jag göra det också.

Så för ett år sedan idag så började jag min egen mikrospeldagbok på Completionator. Varenda dag under det här året som gått har jag skrivit en liten kommentar om vart och ett av de spel som jag spelat den dagen. Så här kunde det låta från början:

Forza Horizon 4

The achievement to drive trough all the 531 roads was suddenly a lot easier to take when I realized that you can actually see on the map in the game which roads you have driven or not. Oops.

Ibland blir det väldigt konkreta betraktelser:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Activated the last tower and captured The Legendary White Horse today. But where the hell are those last two hidden memories?

Ibland blir det kritiska åsikter:

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Did some Character Stories in Street Fighter V today to earned some Fight Money. I wonder if the writers understand the story in this game or if they are as confused as everyone else?

Kanske får vi svaret här:

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Finished the main story today. There are a lot of bad things I can say about it, but it’s kind of like kicking a hurt puppy, so I’m not gonna do it.

Ja, det är synd om manusförfattaren. Men mest synd är det om spelarna förstås.

Ibland har ingenting hänt på ett år:

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

More training in Street Fighter V today. Not much to say about it. Just training, training, and failing, and training.

Och så lite julstämning:

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

When I thought that Street Fighter V couldn’t be a greedier game they add in-game-ads of course. Capcom have zero interest anymore in creating new Street Fighter-fans. They just want to terrorize the few fans they have left.

Nej, ibland har inget hänt på ett år.

Ibland har det varit lätt att skriva något, då det har hänt något spännande eller tokigt i spelet. Vissa dagar har det dock varit svårt att hitta något att skriva om. Ibland är den senaste timmen i Total War: Warhammer eller Hyrule Warriors trots allt rätt lik den föregående. Men jag har ändå ansträngt mig att hitta någon kul vinkel, och efter varenda spelsession har jag skrivit en liten betraktelse.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Since Street Fighter V is free to play this week I thought I should go online with Sakura for the first time, since the chance of meeting some other beginners should be bigger. I played three matches and won them all.

En av spelvärldens smartaste spelare presenterar sig.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Horizon Zero Dawn has to be the game with most backstory that I have ever played. The BioShock Games also has a lot of backstory, but this have to be The Backstory King.

Alltid kul med spel där spelets backstory utspelar sig i framtiden.

Horizon Zero Dawn

Finished Horizon Zero Dawn today. Took me 86 hours over twelve months time. I got almost all trophies, except the Hunting Ground trails and the training dummies.

Vi drar alla gränsen någonstans och jag drar den vid att slå på träningsdockor.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

I’m in some kind of investigation now, but I have no idea who is lying and who is telling the truth. I’d better find some solid evidence soon or this is going nowhere…

Ja, fallet är avslutat nu och jag vet fortfarande inte vem som var den skyldige.

Forza Horizon 4

Why is there no indicator which cars have snow tires when you choose your car for a winter Team Adventure? Had to race for thirty minutes today with a car that couldn’t handle snow, because I choose the wrong car. Developers, please change this.

Nej, här har det inte heller hänt något på ett år.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Today I played as Toadette for the first time. I’ve only played as her in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe before so it was a great gaming experience.

En milstolpe som aldrig kommer att glömmas!

Forza Horizon 4

After 170 hours in this game I have finally started to understand how cornering works. It’s been a long and hard journey, but now I’m finally getting somewhere!

Och nu är jag på 350 timmar och nej, jag kan fortfarande inte svänga ordentligt.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Hyrule Warriors is great fun, but it’s annoying that there are no voices in the game. I really can’t fight against hordes of monsters and read the captions at the same time. Why didn’t they think about that?

Varför välja mellan att vara en kille som är ute och slåss eller en kille som gillar att sitta och läsa, när man kan göra både ock samtidigt?

Det var ingen tillfällighet att jag drog igång Martins Spelvecka i december förra året, strax efter att jag drog igång den här mikrobloggen. Martins Spelvecka var en ännu större utmaning, då jag skrev en längre text om varje spel jag spelade den veckan. Men Mikrodagboken och Martins Spelvecka befruktade varandra förstås, och hade jag hittat en spännande vinkel till någon av dem så föll den andra texten också snart på plats.

Mass Effect 3

Today I finally started playing Mass Effect 3 for the first time. The two first games are two of my favorite games ever, so this will hopefully be a really good experience!

Spoiler: det var det inte.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

This is a perfect “morning game”. Breakfast, a shower and then a few stages of Captain Toad before the working day begins.

Under sommaren skulle jag upptäcka ett annat utmärkt morgonspel: Baba Is You.

Forza Horizon 4

It’s Friday and you know what that means: it’s time to do the Weekly Challenge in Forza Horizon 4! This week it took me forty-five minutes to complete the four challenges. That is a perfect amount of time really. And this weeks car, the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 1999, was just wonderful! It’s the best car for cornering in the game that I have tried. I’m gonna drive a lot in this car going forward.

Ja, gud vad jag älskar den här bilen fortfarande! Helt fantastisk sak. Men Hoonigan Ford Escort RS1800 inom samma bilklass är faktiskt ännu bättre.

WWE 2K19

Today we finally managed to put someone through a table! Unfortunately I was the one going through the table, but you can’t have everything…

Man får vara glad för det man får.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

Played two Linkle-levels straight in a row in today! Linkle feels more and more like the true star of Hyrule Warriors. Fi is also really cool and really fun to play with, with her fluid dancing fighting style.

När kommer Linkle att få sitt eget spel egentligen? Vi väntar!

Forza Horizon 4

Closing in on 200 hours in Forza Horizon 4 and I’ve only scratched the surface of this game. I will probably play this game until Forza Horizon 5 comes out.

Nu kommer Forza Horizon 5 förmodligen inte förrän hösten 2021, men mitt spelade sett ut de senaste veckorna gissar att den här profetian kommer att hålla.

Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 is still more entertaining in online multiplayer than in single-player. The story have a hard time getting into gear.

Det här skulle ha kunnat vara hela recensionen.

Forza Horizon 4

Today every online adventure in Forza Horizon 4 was a disaster. Absolutely everything that could go wrong went wrong and everything that couldn’t go wrong went wrong too. I was just one of those days. And no matter how many races I started I never got my revenge, just more bad luck and more anger.

Ja, jag minns fortfarande den här dagen. Fy tusan.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition

My favorite character just stepped through a portal and left the story. I had really put some effort in unlocking perks on her skill tree but she was just “Okay, I’m out of here!”

Hatar när det händer.


Having played the first hour of Bayonetta I honestly don’t know what to say. I usually don’t play these crazy Japanese games, so this is all new to me. I guess I have to play a few more hours of this before I even say anything about it.

En helt ny värld öppnar sig.


I’m not used to the genre and it’s a bit hard to see when I’m taking damage, and see when the enemies attack, especially when they are off screen. I guess it will take a while getting used to.

Ja, man vänjer sig vid det till slut.


In today’s Terraria I was disappointed with the explosion from the dynamite, my friends flooded almost the entire underground, we experience the blood red moon for the first time and realized that you are never safe when a Face Monster can walk through the door to your new home at any time.

Fem månader senare håller mina vänner fortfarande på att försöka dränera sjön i underjorden, och jag har blivit god vän med dynamiten, så den visade sig kunna spränga sönder den ”oförstörbara” röda väggen i Höstlandet.


I tried the whip in Bayonetta today and it sure made the game a bit easier. I just love whipping those rowdy enemies.

Åh, piskan, min älskade piska.

Mass Effect 3

In today’s Mass Effect 3-session I just shopped for furniture, played arcade games and had a party. This is was role-playing games is all about!

Det kan vi förstås diskutera.

Mass Effect 3

It was a bit hard playing online today because as soon as I joined a match everyone just quit. It was like being bullied at school again. At least in the single-player campaign everyone tells me what a great girl I am.

Varför single-player är bättre än online trots allt.

Forza Horizon 4

Holy Manilla! Today I three-stared the last eight Drift Zones in Forza Horizon 4. I really did it! The last one was really, really hard. It was really short, but the game wanted 90 000 points for it, and I could never get past 82 000. But suddenly everything worked and I got 90 029. How I screamed with joy!

Ja, det här var årets spelögonblick, utan någon konkurrens. Bara de allra största stunderna får ett ”Holy Manilla!”

Mass Effect 3

Today Tali finally entered the story in Mass Effect 3. I’ve been waiting for my girl for so long. Nice to finally see you again!

Om du bara visste vad som hände sen.

Forza Horizon 4

That collisions are disabled for the first 30 seconds of online races is a MAJOR improvement of Forza Horizon 4. It will definitely lead to a longer life span for the game.

Varpå jag inte spelade spelet på fem månader.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Today I played Warhammer: Vermintide 2 for the first time. It’s basically Left 4 Dead in a fantasy-world with some of the design from Dishonored thrown in for good measure. It’s really a game you should play with three friends, but it’s entertaining enough with randoms too.

En fullständig recension till.

Total War: Warhammer

I have no soldiers. I have no money. My people are rebelling. When I finally seem to get a victory on the battlefield my enemy gets reinforcements triple the size of his original army. Let’s go!

Snart skulle det bli ännu värre.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Tried to play on “Veteran” for the first time today in Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Have only played on “Recruit” so far. Unfortunately I missed that if you choose a new career for your characters all your gear resets to the default, so I got into “hard” with the worst possible weapons and gear…

Martins misstag online #247.

The Last of Us: Remastered

My plan was to play Detroit: Become Human after I finished Mass Effect 3, but I was so tired of making moral choices so I started playing The Last of Us instead.

Har fortfarande inte lyckats börja på Detroit: Become Human. Samma vecka som jag skulle börja spela så utannonserades det som PS Plus-spel och jag blev lite sur. Efter allt onlinespelande de senaste månaderna är jag dock sugen på story och moraliska val igen.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Today I played Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the first time. It was a whole lot of fun from the get go, and I loved that every character had the same button input for the special moves (just like in Dragon Ball FighterZ). It should be mandatory for all fighting games.


The Last of Us: Remastered

I like how the city always feels like a labyrinth in The Last of Us. There are no straight roads but only paths that lead you astray.

Skönhet kommer i många former.

Rock Band 3

Today I got to 98% singling Bad Religion – Sorrow on Expert. I should get to 100% next time!

Nej, det gjorde jag inte.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

As a warm-up to Team Sonic Racing my friends and I played Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed today. It was fun as long as we were battling each other, but too much of the time we were far apart from each other.

Och något Team Sonic Racing blev det aldrig.


So, I finally got past the superhard part in Celeste, only to find myself in another superhard part. I finally got past that one too only to get stuck in a yet another superhard part. Really the story of this game.

Haha, ”the superhard part in Celeste”. Ni vet förstås precis vilken del jag pratar om…


ARMS is perhaps not the smartest game to play in the summer. Sweat is dripping from me after one hour of fighting.

Nu har vi sommar i mitten av maj också, är Greta Thunberg underrättad?


I love fighting games, but most fighting games make you feel kinda bad for being a bad player. But in ARMS even losing is fun. Winning feels even better for course, but really doesn’t matter if you lose.

Älskar ARMS.


Some morning Celeste today. In the middle of breakfast I suddenly realized what I was suppose to do where I got stuck yesterday, and I just had to play some. And now I’m a few more steps closer to the end!

Ytterligare ett av årets stora små ögonblick.


I got really sad when I finished Celeste and the reward was that I wasn’t allowed to play the final level. Felt terrible after all the blood, sweat and tears I had put into this game.

Årets med god marginal sämsta spelögonblick.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Cammy and Amy Rose both turned up on the Spirit Board at the same time, but I failed to catch them both. But I unlocked Toadette today!

En fullständigt galen dag i Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition

Today I played Minecraft for the first time! It was a lot like Terraria – but in 3D! It was a bit hard to navigate through the world in the beginning, but when it was time for my friends to leave none of us wanted to stop playing.

Och så det trötta ”Minecraft-påminner-om-Terraria”-skämtet. Nåväl, man kan inte vara originell varenda dag…

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Today I spent one hour and fifteen minutes trying to win the battle over Funky Kong. Three super good opponents, tons of Bullet Bills and lots of computer cheating: this battle was close to impossible. But I finally did it. I did it.

Årets Prestation med god marginal.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Today’s Street Fighter V session was cut short by a thunderstorm. But I got to play Super Smash Bros Ultimate in tabletop mode instead.

Ibland händer det saker.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Today’s Street Fighter V session was also cut short by a thunder storm. I mean I knew that practice Street Fighter seriously would be hard, but not this hard…

Den svenska sommaren slår till igen.


Losing is always a sensitive thing for me, but in ARMS I really don’t care if I lose. I mean, winning is more fun of course, but for some reason losing in this game doesn’t matter at all. You feel good anyway.

Har jag inte redan sagt det här en gång redan?

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Today I started my latest blog- and Youtube-project The Diary of a Fighting Game Novice. It’s only in Swedish unfortunately, but this is what I will mostly spend my gaming hours on this summer.

Jag tycker synd om att mina engelskspråkiga fans som missade detta mästerverk.

Super Metroid

Today I played Super Metroid for the first time. It really had this special feeling to it. One of the most interesting game worlds I have ever visited for sure.

Väggarna?! Varför nämner jag inte väggarna?

Super Metroid

I don’t really like the enemies in Super Metroid, but the walls! These must be the most wonderful walls in a video game ever.

Jag tänkte väl det.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Day 5 of The Diary of a Fighting Game Novice. I played eleven online matches in Street Fighter V today, and I lost every one of them. But I won something: experience.

Den där kursen i positivt tänkande var värd sina pengar i alla fall.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

After twenty-eight straight losses online in Street Fighter V I finally won a match. Winning has never felt so good!

Det här förlustraden hade jag alldeles glömt bort. Bäst jag glömmer den snabbt igen.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Today I reached 100 hours in Street Fighter V. I have no idea how you can spend 100 hours in a game and still suck at it, but it’s obviously quite possible!

Martin lyckas med det omöjliga.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Day 14 of The Diary of a Fighting Game Novice. Today I won two matches in a row for the first time online in Street Fighter V. I was against a Ryu-player. Unfortunately I forgot to restart the recording after I was out jogging, so I missed to record the thing. But next I met another Ryu-player and defeated that player two matches in a row too. So everything ended well!

Men det här kommer jag aldrig att glömma. Snacka om snabbaste revanschen!

Super Metroid

I love Super Metroid, but jumping in this game is so annoying. And now they have introduced quicksand too. If jumping was hell before, imagine trying to jump in quicksand.

Den mörka sidan av Super Metroid.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

I have to cancel my project to record one hour of online play with each of the characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate because it’s just to hard to find online matches. Today I had to wait for thirty minutes to find a four-player match.

Och priset som årets största fiasko går inte till Martins försök att vinna fighting matcher online, utan till Super Smash Bros Ultimates fullständigt horribla onlineläge.

Super Metroid

I guess I’m getting closer to the end in Super Metroid. I still love the game, but I hate this quicksand. I wish I could kill the quicksand, but you can’t of course.

Efter desperationen kommer galenskapen.


Today I played a FIFA game for the first time, in the form av FIFA 18. First I played as the Swedish women’s team of course, and suffered an embarrassing loss to Italy. Then I played six online matches, in the mode where you play as only one player on our team. It was much easier to find online matches than in Super Smash Bros Ultimate to my surprise.

Att det ska vara enklare att hitta onlinematcher i FIFA 18 sommaren 2019 än i Super Smash Bros Ultimate är ju helt bisarrt.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Day 28 of The Diary of a Fighting Game Novice. Every time I meet a Ryu-player online I get happy because it means it’s a beginner and I finally have a chance to win a match.

Den så kallade ”Ryu-lyckan”.

Jag brukar ibland tycka att jag spelar alldeles för lite i jämförelse med andra som skriver om tv-spel gör, och att jag kanske borde spela mera för att hålla mig à jour om vad som händer i spelvärlden, men när jag läser igenom mitt spelår på det här sättet så inser jag vad mycket spel som jag egentligen har spelat på ett år.

Det är bara sorgligt att läsa om hur jag tränar och tränar och kämpar för att bli bättre på att svänga i Forza Horizon 4 och fightas i fightingspel och stiga på rankingen i Splatoon 2 och Overwatch och inget händer.

Men ibland blir det enbart lyckliga överblick förstås:

Splatoon 2

I’ve complained a lot about Clam Blitz, but when you are seconds from losing on overtime, and your team make one last mad man rush into enemy territory and you manage to score the winning shot – that feels so great!

Det finns ingen bättre känsla.

Summer Catchers

Today I started playing Summer Catchers. It’s not a very good game unfortunately. It feels like they spent two years on the design and the story and ten minutes on the gameplay.

Kunde ha varit hela recensionen III.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Unfortunately I’m sick today, so no Splatoon 2. I really wanted to be a part of the last day of the last Splatfest, but there is nothing to do about that. Played some Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and watched Zlatan Ibrahimovic score goals on Youtube instead.

Ibland får man göra det bästa av situationen.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Playing in handheld mode is perfect when you are sick. You, a blanket and the Switch together in a sofa, so nice.

Ibland får man göra det bästa av situationen, del 2.

Grand Theft Auto V

The combination of super high production values and a bunch of main characters that mostly just do stupid shit in the story is really interesting in Grand Theft Auto V. So far I love this game.

Påkostad produktion och idioter som gör dumma saker är väl grunden till all framgångsrik modern underhållning, men ingen gör det bättre än GTAV.

Grand Theft Auto V

I love that the most attractive girl at the strip club is the girl behind the counter.


Grand Theft Auto V

Every time you are away from Overwatch for a month there is a new character, major changes, new seasons, buffs and nerfs all around, but you feel welcome back.

Ja, det känns skönt att vara tillbaka.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V reminds me of when my friends and I played our custom made pen-and-paper role-playing game when we were teenagers. Robbing banks, going to strip clubs, beating up someone without a reason, car chases, invading and moving into some random dudes apartment. Ah, the memories.

Jag är inte mycket för nostalgi, men ibland kommer minnena…

Grand Theft Auto V

Steam cloud save is great! Playing Grand Theft Auto V at my apartment, and then visiting my parents and continue playing there where I left off. So sweet!

Grand Theft Auto V – spelet som för föräldrar och barn närmare varandra!

Grand Theft Auto V

I still haven’t found the blonde girl on the cover in Grand Theft Auto V. Is she even in the game or not?

Martins hopplösa jakt på tjejer, del 327.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

After four days of intense fighting games it feels good to get into The Witcher, and just concentrate on the story. Yes, I play on “easy”, no shame.

Visst är det coolt att leva farligt, men att spela ett story-baserat spel som räcker i femtio till hundra timmar på ”hard” är lite väl djärvt.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is filled with great details. Like how it turns out that you can actually walk out on the stage in the strip club. That was hilarious.

Det var synd att man inte kunde slänga av sig kläderna också.

Grand Theft Auto V

Today I kicked a rabbit to death in Grand Theft Auto V. Yes, I know I am a bad guy. But later when I was in a bicycle race a friend of his jumped in front of my wheel and made me crash. So I guess there really is karma.

När man försöker vara en bad guy i ett tv-spel.

Grand Theft Auto V

No Astral Chain in the mail today. So much for pre-ordering.

Since I never got to play Astral Chain today, I completed Grand Theft Auto V instead. So in place of Japanese action I got 48 minutes of end credits.

Det här upplevelsen vet jag inte ens hur jag ska kategorisera.


Playing Overwatch today wasn’t a lot of fun. In eleven matches there were only two matches without disconnects. I hope this madness ends when the role queue beta ends.

Ja, då slutade folk att disconnecta. Och min PS4:a började disconnecta mig själv istället.

Astral Chain

Today I finally started playing Astral Chain. It’s been incredible so far. It’s like a third-person action Persona. Everything but the main character being silent has been great so far.

Ytterligare en komplett recension.

Astral Chain

Today I played a few hours of Astral Chain in handheld mode for the first time. Suddenly the game resembled Breath of the Wild much more, which it didn’t do on the big TV. Strange.

Livets mysterier.

Tales of Xillia

Too bad there is no Japanese voices, but the beginning of Tales of Xillia is both fun and beautiful.

En komplett recension V.

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

Usually playing two role playing games at the same time in not such a good idea, but I think it’s safe to play Tales of Xillia and The Witcher without getting them mixed up.

Så, i vilket spel är det man festar med horor och i vilket spel så gratulerar dina färggrant klädda gruppmedlemmar dig efter varje fajt?


Today I won the last two placement matches as support in Overwatch, and I got a perfect 5-0 result. But I ended up much lower in the rankings than last time, so I don’t really know what happened there. Must be different numbers because of the Role Queue?

Nej, det är Blizzard som hatar demokrati och rättvisa.


Still a bit upset that Overwatch put me so far down on the rankings, even though I played so well. But, hey, I just have to fight my way up the ladder.

Och sedan började nätverks-helvetet.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Played some Street Figther V today. I need more training, much more training. But I’m worried that no amount of training will make me good at this game.

Om man inte blivit bra efter 129 timmar så kanske inte ytterligare 129 timmar hjälper heller. Men å andra sidan finns den där teorin om att man måste lägga minst 10 000 timmar på något för att verkligen bli bra på det, så kämpa på…

The Last of Us: Remastered

Today’s playtime was mostly occupied with me fiddling with my PS4’s network settings. But I did find some time for The Last of Us. As it began snowing in the game it began snowing outside the window for the first time this winter.

Ibland blir det rena poesin när man spelar.

Forza Horizon 4

Believe it or not but I think I actually is getting the hang of cornering in Forza Horizon 4. Won a few online races today and climbed the rankings.

Efter 330 timmar har Martin fortfarande förhoppningar om att lära sig svänga. Kämpa på!

The Last of Us: Remastered

I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t played The Last of Us yet so, eh, stuff is happening!

Ni som vet, ni vet.

Forza Horizon 4

Today I created my first custom route in Forza Horizon 4; a long, cool dirt rally. At thirteen minutes it turned out to be a little bit longer than I had intended, but other than that I am very pleased with it. The Blueprint is called “Holy Hoonigan” if you want to play it.

Inget är som första gången. Nu har jag gjort en ännu bättre variant som heter ”A Dream in Dirt”, som jag verkligen rekommenderar.

Forza Horizon 4

When you write about video games every week sometimes your playtime gets very structured. Play this game to write this article, play that game to write that article. So right now I’m just having fun doing whatever in Forza Horizon 4. I’m not gonna write anything about this!

Men sedan skrev jag faktiskt en artikel om att jag inte tänkte skriva någon artikel.

The Last of Us: Remastered

I love all the tricks they use to make The Last of Us feel open, spontaneous and uncertain even though the game is linear and scripted. I really don’t want to see a behind the scenes look at this game. It would be like learning a magician’s tricks. I’ll leave the magic alone.

Det finns stunder då inte ens en notorisk spelskribent vill veta hur maskineriet sitter ihop.


Today I had my first really good match as D.Va in Overwatch. It’s the first time I’ve thought afterwards “Okay, I really contributed to that victory”.

Plötsligt händer det.

Forza Horizon 4

The Trial in Forza Horizon 4 was amazing today. Only two players against six unbeatable computer cars. The fastest car class, winter, midnight racing; it doesn’t get tougher that this. The excitement, the nerves, the shaking hands. And in the end: the win.

I vissa stunder är Forza Horizon 4 världens bästa spel.

Men hur många människor var det som hängde på och läste här dagboken? Har någon människa överhuvudtaget läst den? Jag vet inte, och det är en del av tjusningen också. Visst hade det varit kul att vara en youtuber med tvåhundratusen följare, men ibland känns det härligt att rista in sina kommentarer och funderingar där bara en riktigt djärv vandringsman kommer att finna dem. ”Sök, så skall ni finna” som Matteusevangeliet säger.